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I go to lots of fitness classes 🧡😁. I go to 2 yoga classes, one Pilates class, go to a dance and body workout class and I swim once or twice a day . It definitely helps with my Ms 🧡👍. How many of you keep active and fit?

I play netball (not very well mind you 🤣). Honestly, it helps me mentally, but not really physically. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to exercise, but it takes me a while to recover.


I started yoga after my diagnosis and I am now adding weights/resistant training and cardio in the form of rowing machine and soon hoping to add some Pilates... I did go to a dance aerobic class but have sprained my right foot basically because I ignored heavy mild numbness in that foot and leg so didn't work out to well! but yer I try to and enjoy keeping active.