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Wheelchair restrictions

“If there is meaning in life at all, there must be meaning in suffering,” (Viktor Frankl. 1946. Man’s Search for Meaning). Of the three components of existential anxiety number 2: anxiety related to loss of meaning in life, is the one that I see most when I communicate with people who struggle with chronic disease. It is difficult, but vital, to find meaning in life when you are confined to a wheelchair and long-term care home. I recently read an article in a newsletter for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), which stated erroneously (in my opinion), that people with MS adapted to Covid 19 restrictions and quarantines well, because they understand the need to quarantine. As a wheelchair rider with MS myself, I know that the reason people with MS adapted well to restrictive quarantine is because it was not a change in our lifestyle. We are quite used to having our movements and our lifestyle restricted, due to our inability to access transit, go to the mall, or even go for coffee with friends because there is just not enough wheelchair/scooter accessibility in our towns and cities. So, as Viktor Frankl pointed out, we have to find meaning in our life through other means.

True- im struggling to simply walk this year so my life as i used to know it has gone out the window. Im in my own personal lockdown - not because of covid but because its becoming too much of an effort or stressful to use my legs outside.


@Snail-train oh m8 feel ur pain really keep fighting u r a really strong, brave and vibrant person some days might be dark but lighter ones are coming I promise after all ur in the ‘naughty 40’ category now and not even the ms can take that away 😉in relation to ur post @HeidiHelps i agree and on bad days I would second that ideology but on good days I would say that mser’s adapted to covid restrictions not because we as a community have become used to a life with restrictions but a life of flexibility & adaption ‘ with ms u have little control’ so u have to build a foundation in resilience that wonderful professionals like u help with ‘ a roll with the punches type attitude’ so when covid came along…. I prefer to think of it as mser’s thought ‘covid who?’ I.e look at the current situation heat or eat how many mser’s are buying electric blankets & putting into place strategies with have already learnt due to our condition in order to continue to live our lives despite what is being thrown at us by the so called betters in charge😳🙄😊I hope that as a community rather than build a life based on unpredictability we build lives in spite of it and with plain old fashioned DEFIANCE 😁@snail_train Keep fighting kid ‘ u got this’ tomorrow is always a new day 👍💪🤞❤️‍🩹✊