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Hi Just wanted to know people experiences of Avonex. I have just been diagnosed with RRMs and am due to start this in a couple of weeks. How crappy can it make you feel? Am tempted to delay for a couple of weeks as have a 10k race (only running again this week after last relapse) and cousins wedding. Hate making decisions

@mshackney , Avonex is one of the interferon-based DMDs, so it could give you some flu-like symptoms shortly after the injection. This side-effect doesn't last long, e.g. if you have the shot in the early evening, you may get the symptom later on that evening, but they'll be gone by the morning. Just don't stress yourself out about it. It's not worth the adverse effects of the stress. :wink: Good luck with it.


Thank you, won't delay then - delaying will probably stress me out more....