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I’m still undiagnosed but I have had every symptom related to MS, but now I’m having a new symptom, twitching, I had it before in the begging way back in June and thought it was the Gabapentin I was taking so I took myself off of it and no twitching, now I have twitching in my arm, face and neck and it’s all on the right side, is this a symptom? I did message my doctor and I’m waiting to hear back! Thank you!

@jennlmt1 , is this an MS symptom? Well, possibly....... MS is capable of giving us all manner of neurological problems like twitches, spasms, cramps, you name it, we can get it. The only person who can answer this question is a Neurologist, with the aid of tests and scans. It would be useful to maintain a symptom diary, as this would provide another piece of your jigsaw :- https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/diary-symptoms


Hi @jennlmt1, sorry to hear you have been having symptoms and don’t have a diagnosis. I remember I did have twitching at one stage, I can’t remember where or when but I did say it to my GP at the time. I don’t think he know what was causing it but he wasn’t very concerned about it. It did go away itself and I haven’t had it since. It’s no harm to keep your doctor informed. Hope it goes away soon hope you get a diagnosis soon. X