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Twilight Zone...

Life has been pretty good recently. Coaching my Senior SloPitch players. Drove to Invermere last week to stay at a friends place for three days. I love looking at snow covered mountains while sitting on the balcony enjoying a beer. The Twilight Zone part is that I have to quit drinking & smoking because I will get Ocrevus next month. How do I kick two 45 year habits into the gutter??? This will be fun!

@edmontonalberta The beer part is fairly easy.... You just don't, that's coming from me an alcoholic, I just drummed into my head that I'd be dead if I did have a drink. Works for me. The smoking part is the hardest, not quite managed that one yet. Wish you luck on your endeavour. You'll manage I'm sure you will.


I’m on Ocrevus and I smoke, I know I should quit. I also know plenty of people on it that drink. Some people go for a drink after the infusion. Is this a personal decision or did they tell you you had to?