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think ms

Hello I have pretty much come to terms with my new reality however I would really like to get through a day without telling myself I have Ms. It would be amazing if I stumble or throw a customers money on the floor I don't say fucking Ms in my head. sorry for my potty mouth. Do any of you manage to do this? I am generally quite a happy resilient person I try to look for good in every thing but this is starting to get on my nerves. MOAN OVER!

@gazmataz , we're no different to everybody else. Everybody has a bad incident throughout the day. It could be a case of "butter fingers" or some conceited moron walking into you. MS is just one of life's inconveniences, just like the people that appear on the Jeremy Kyle show, both on stage and in the audience. 😊


@gazmataz , I do think about my MS about a 100 times a day at least. As @stumbler says it really is a bum deal and real inconvenience. For instance I'm at work now and I have to go into a lab next door to talk safety with a contractor. Immediately my brain thinks ' I have to get there safely, try and talk clearly and hope it doesn't last too long as i'll need a wee....then write up my findings in some kind of legible way !' All that due to MS. But I'll do it. It's no different I suppose it's no different to somebody having to do a presentation for example and they do not like doing presentations. Or driving and they hate driving but it's a necessity. Our problem I think is we think and procrastinate too much!!