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The guidelines your neuro works from UK

It's worth a read. It's basically an instruction book, on how you treat MS symptoms for neurologists. Someone else has put the hard work in, yet it seems they come up with the solution.... Well at least you'll have a good idea of what symptom related med they'll put you on next if it isn't working to well. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/CG186/chapter/1-Recommendations#ftn.footnote_10

Thanks for this @highlander, a good find. Interesting that the advice to give with flu jabs is ‘discuss the possible risk of relapse after flu vaccination if they have relapsing–remitting MS’. That’s a new one to me; I mean, I knew it was a possibility but it has never been put like that to me by the neuro or GP. Definitely a clinical. Objective read!


@highlander , it is just guidance, so neuros can still do what they like, both good and bad............. But , it's good to know about and will help you in having more informed discussions with your medical team.