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Hi, just wondering if a person could be misdiagnosed with MS? Just thought about the fact there is no definite test and lots of conditions that can mimic MS. I thought I would ask if anyone has heard about this happening to someone? Thanks 😊

@clary , the short answer is yes. I know of one person..... But, whist we all question our diagnosis, don't allow yourself to drift away from the ultimate aim of Acceptance.


Thank you for your reply. I guess neurologists tend to be right. Acceptance is one of the stages of grief (I think). Grief is how I feel for the future, sometimes. Not all the time. I recently went biking and found I fell off, a lot. This has scared me, because I couldn’t stop it and I would have been hit by a car if on a busy road. Cycling will be restricted by myself due to falls and fear. Loss of control is scary. Acceptance can be difficult.