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Hi there, I hope everyone's having a good day :) I just have a question. I was prescribed Provigil (100mg, twice a day) by my neurologist for fatigue about a month ago, and I would love to know other people's experiences. You know those days where you have absolutely zero motivation or energy to even move your body or have a conversation? I used to have those 3 or 4 days a week, but since I've been taking Provigil I haven't had one. Usually by 7pm once we get our little girl to bed, I am so drained that I just stare mindlessly at the television, and wouldn't even have the energy to say one word to my fiancé. But now, I feel like I have almost an endless supply of positivity and energy, and I love getting stuff done. Obviously I still get slumps during the day like everyone, but that's nothing that a coffee can't fix! I just feel so great, and I feel that I'm a happier person and more affectionate towards my partner. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Or is this just a placebo effect? Please tell me it's not!

@rachael17 , this is not the placebo effect. Lots of University students will attest to that. It would allow them to cane it in the evenings, but be able to manage lectures the next day. Having energy has such a positive effect on other aspects of life. Just don't take it too late in the day or you'll never get to sleep at night. :shock: