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Well, I am in appx. 30 yrs. and in the last 4,I have been n what seems like an unending base flare up. What's next? Anybody?I am in agony minus medication to control it. I have what I call, bone bending torture pain in front and side of calves, oh I won't bore you with it all.💙thanks for listening. I'm very sorry to each and everyone of you, we suffer don't we.

Hi @mary_julkowski and welcome. Have you been in touch with the local branch of the MS Society, to see what they can do for you?


@mary_julkowski, I know the bone crushing leg pain, I am battling the same. I don’t like how pain meds make me feel, so I’m using acupuncture, massage, and, of all things, hypnosis to help. Nothing is a cure, but when it’s only a slow smoldering pain I can deal. Hopefully you can find a “recipe” that works, more or less, for you too. Hang in there. 😊