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New leg problem

Hello, I have not written anything here in a long time. I just have some questions. I have what to me are new symptoms. It started as electrical shocks and tingling in my legs and now my legs have become VERY heavy. I am very fit and work out 6 days a week. I also am a landscaper by trade so this is becoming very problematic. I feel like it easier to shuffle than walk sometimes. My last MRI did show some new small lesions and they may change my medication after another MRI in a few months. I have lesions on both my spinal cord and brain but have only had balance and vertigo symptoms until now. What could be causing this now? Has anyone else had this experience and could it get worse? Thank you!!!

@juliet , the first thing to do is rule out any other causes. Our MS can "grumble" if we're dealing with another run-of-the-mill infection, e.g. a cold, UTI, etc.. It can also object if we get over-tired or too hot. The electrical shocks, and maybe the tingling, could be down to an MS symptom called L'Hermitte's Sign (https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/lhermittes-sign), a fairly general symptom. But generally, whatever variant of MS you have, it is still a progressive condition. We just hope that our Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) can effectively limit this progression. It would be wise to have a word with your medical team to see whether they wish to bring your MRI forward. You may also want to consider updating your Forum Profile so that we're aware of where you are and which DMT you are presently taking...........


I too was very fit. I also got this incredibly powerful and intermittent shocking down my left leg. For a very long time my neuro tried to argue that it was not MS but a back problem. I have had neck and spine MRI recently because he i starting to believe me. Strangely, after nearly a year it has almost gone. Now my quad on my right leg seems to be lacking at times. It is frustrating. I try to palce faith in the fact that the long term DMT data means that if I was not on one then my sysmpotms would be more frequent and severe. I used to do quite intense phsical activity, work long hours, travel a lot for work, study hard etc but have had to throttle it right back and be far more contolled about how I spend my meagre energy allocation. Half the battle is the mental one to come to terms with this. Best, Dom