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New AHSCT vs DMTs trial opening US & UK

In the new trial, called BEAT-MS — standing for BEst Available Therapy versus autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant for Multiple Sclerosis (NCT04047628) — researchers will compare the safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of two approaches: stem cell treatment and third-line therapies. https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/news-posts/2020/01/07/new-multiple-sclerosis-treatment-trial-compares-stem-cell-transplantation-to-best-available-drugs/?utm_source=Multiple+Sclerosis&utm_campaign=d0ef28bf17-RSS_US_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b5fb7a3dae-d0ef28bf17-71328285 Just thought I would post it out there. Provided to me in my daily mail from MS New Today that I am subscribed to.

@itsmewithms , it's all targeted at Relapsing Remitting MS, and severe forms at that. I'm sure it's useful research, but what about the rest of us........


Yes, don't think it is right for me either but successful findings and research extends to new uses and people. I remember taking my sister in final stages of breast cancer to trials at Mayo in Rochester knowing that what they were going to try was unlikely to save her but that the knowledge they gained may help save someone else.