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I am so sick of being tired and being menopausal age makes things worse. I am wondering how many other people have these same problems.

I'm past menopause age as I'm 61 but still get tired easily n weepy . Frustration plays a big part too.


I didn't notice passing into menopause but had it confirmed through a blood test. I was told it may "catch up with me" as I am only 54 and the "symptoms" may become more obvious in time. But I have been trying to up my sleep and recently haven't been working so that really helps. When I wake up at 4 or 5 I convince myself to try to sleep a bit more and often do until 6...so then I get 8 hours of sleep and feel like wonderwoman! until I do a bit..and it reminds me I am only me ;-) Does sleeping more help? sometimes some exercise helps the sleep too and motivation and conditon, etc. Try to do something fun like go out with friends, watch a fun or funny movie, read an uplifting book. All the things that make you feel better and better about yourself. Those are some things I try- Good luck