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Lumbar Puncture results

Hello, Looking for some assistance with the letter I’ve received from my neurologist this morning. He’s on annual leave so can’t query directly with him. “I note a normal opening pressure of 18.cm. Cell count was borderline high with 5 cells per micro litre. Normal CSF protein with 0.3 gram/litre. Normal glucose with 3.4 mol/l (paired blood sample 5.9). As the most important result, there were multiple oligoclonal bands in CSF with no corresponding bands present in serum. This is in keeping with what we had expected and discussed based on his history, his clinical examination and MRI” I have 4 lesions all in my brain. He thought it was MS but needed results of lumbar puncture before he can give a firm diagnosis. Thanks in advance

@cwe33 , medical people do like to try and prove their intelligence by sending us letters written in medical speak. Oligoclonal bands used to be an indicator of MS, but they now seem to have two tests for this Here's some details of the Lumber Puncture test, which may allow you to interpret that letter :- https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/lumbar-puncture


@stumbler They certainly do, every letter has been the same. I’ve actually managed to get in touch with his secretary who has emailed neurologist, response “Yes, the lumbar puncture results are in keeping with multiple sclerosis as we had already suspected” I have a follow up consultation on 20th September. Thanks for your reply