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Looking for a Portable, folding seat

I am going to be traveling with a friend who hasn’t seen me in a few years. I am concerned my usual partner wont be there to foresee possible challenges. My most immediate concern is for a portable place to sit. I find standing VERY painful- I walk fairly well but to stand in one place is immediately painful- even with ‘fresh’ legs. In the airport I have gone to requesting wheelchair service which I hate but our TSA lines are impossible for me. I am looking for a device that is lightweight and portable with a good seat. Does anyone have an idea? I needed something larger than a dinner plate- because the same issues of using my muscles to keep me positioned would cause pain, but carting around a Lazy-Boy Recliner isn’t really feasible ;) I dont even need a back- just about a 1 foot by 1 foot seat that folds. I dont even know where to begin to look. If it could fold into something you could wear (like a backpack) that would help with arm fatigue. Does anyone have any experience with this? Know where to look on the internet? What are the right words to search for? Many Thanks for your help! Emma

@us-emma , how about something like this :- https://www.co-opmobility.co.uk//mobility-aids/walking-sticks/walking-stick-seats/p/folding-seat-stick?gclid=CjwKCAjwhevaBRApEiwA7aT532wNaMlraU6oPVLulAIyFBFs8tJwxx1YmYCXheDeYHt0VjskeGbRaRoChawQAvD_BwE I'm sure something similar is available in the States........... I just googled "disabled travel seat"! There may be other options worthy of your consideration. Or, how about a custom back pack? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/National-Patent-chair-backpack-backpack-shoulder-bag-fishing-chair-package/32390980113.html