Horse riders out there? hippotherapy/MS

I grew up riding horse and after college picked up dressage and eventing. Starting a family and a demanding job reduced the time and money I could devote to this hobby but I still have the residual horses and tack ;-0 I had a hip replacement a couple of years ago and feel my recovery was somewhat stymied by having MS and my bodies ability to repair the nerve trauma caused by the surgery. I am just now feeling able to resume more challenging physical activity and my new PT guy encourages me to push as much as I can...within reason ;-0 So I did manage to clamber back up on our pony (actually a large pony but not one of the gigantic beasts that are common to dressage or eventing ;-0 and poked about our arena at a quick walk (the only kind he has ;-) Anyone else out there a horse rider or have used hippotherapy for MS issues?