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Getting Married

I’m wanting advise of what I should do on the wedding day. I have SPMS and if feeling ok can walk with crutches very slow and the more I walk the weaker I get. Just want to see what others have done. Thanks

Congratulations! For your big day, remember to prioritize from YOUR perspective. If it's walking down the aisle, try to shorten it and have a chair or wheelchair at the ready; if it's standing before the altar - you chose your maid of honor/ bridesmaids/ attendants because they are your closest friends and family. They know and understand and will gladly assist with the wheelchair. Good luck!


@lorag, I was just at a wedding this week where someone (not with MS but issues walking) had a wheelchair completely upholstered and decorated to look like a royal type of chair! Just the wheels poked through. He stood up for some of the ceremony and sat some. Just a thought if you feel clever or have clever maids of honor. But whatever you decide, hold up your head high and enjoy the moment!