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Hi folks 😊 for over a year now I’ve lost a stone, had real bad symptoms of nausea, vomiting, feeling full really quickly, and no appetite, it’s been suggested that I may have Gastroparesis through MS, has anyone else had this and if so how was it treated? Thanks in advance.

Hi. I found this it's got a few suggestions. Hope it helps. http://www.mult-sclerosis.org/gastroesophagealreflux.html


@blether89. I have gastroparesis and it is manageable without medication. Just be aware of foods that you can't digest that may come back to haunt you. I for example can not eat salads, tough meats, raw vegetables, some cooked vegetables and nuts. I knew there was a serious issue when I would vomit my salad that I ate the day before. I eat small meals several times a day. I over chew foods that I think might not digest well and avoid the foods I know will cause me pain. Other than that I take zero meds. The less meds the better right?