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Hi! Since my diagnosis I get sick pretty often. Before I would get sick once-twice a year, now it's once every three months. And the worst thing is that it seems like my body kind of gave up on fighting with it. I've had nearly three weeks of fever and flu in June, and now over a week of stomach flu. Aaand the flu season is around the corner... I knew, that Tecfidera has effect on immune system, but did not expect it to be so bad. Does anybody have similar experience? How do you get through autumn and winter? What do you think of flu shots? Thanks!

Hi, I'm not on Tecfidera but I started takeing high doses of vit c because I was getting cold after cold and now I perhaps get one mild cold a year, I take 3,000mgs per day, it might help you.


Don't have flu shots, a few years ago it wasn't recommended for misers because a 'study' that found there were too many instances of it not working fot us.