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Financial Support

Hi All, I was diagnosed with RRMS 4 years ago whilst working as a Deputy Head Teacher. I had to change jobs 2 years ago to a lower position (to reduce stress) and now only work 3 days (due to fatigue). Money is now a big concern. I assumed that as I have no visible signs of disability, I wouldn’t get any support, but I note under the Equality Act, an MS diagnosis automatically counts as a disability. Does this mean I could get some support? Are the any organisations that can help me with this? Big thanks!

This link will point you in the right direction.... https://www.mssociety.org.uk/care-and-support/financial-help/brief-guide-to-benefits/personal-independence-payment/applying-for-pip Ask the citizens advice bureau to help you with the paperwork.... Even if you're Einstein it's designed to trip you up. Wish you luck


@ollie123 Before ill health retirement i was a PIP decision maker. This benefit is not based on the condition but on your abilities. Definitely take advice. If you have a mortgage then look to see if you have insurance as ms is a condition that is covered. I Neil