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Electric nerve pain when bending joints

Hi there I seem to be getting electric nerve pains when bending my joints. It's like the sensation of knocking your funny bone but it's in my feet, ankles, hands and elbows. It happens when I unscrew a bottle or turn on my feet! I have permanent pins and needles in my legs, face and hands now 🤨😔. Thanks for reading I would love to hear similar stories so I feel like I'm not the only weirdo! Thanks x

@hayley_norton, Hello. I also have constant pins and needles all over as well. It has become a normal dullish feeling in most places till I take a step or grab something. Or when Washing my hands or having a shower then the feeling is amplified a bit and is way more noticeable. It has been an on going thing for me now since last November unfortunately. But for the most part it is just more of a nuisance now then anything for the most part. I wish you all the best. You are not alone at all.


@shannon_devlaminck Thanks for your reply x