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Do my colleagues know I have MS

Hi everyone, Worried that MS will affect my career prospects, perhaps unnecessarily, I've made the decision not to disclose my condition at work. But I fear that my symptoms give me away. In a meeting with my manager a couple of months ago I noticed him looking at my hand, when I looked down it was shaking. Today, in a meeting that I chaired with a number of colleagues, including my manager, I twitched and he and another colleague saw it. I'm pretty sure most others missed it, but this is the second time he's clocked my symptoms in action. Perhaps he notices less than I think, or doesn't know enough about MS to attribute what he's observing, but I worry that the cat is out of the bag. It feels like one of those situations where either everyone knows and is keeping the charade up, or no-one has a clue and I'm reading too much into things. Do you think that the shakes and odd twitch are enough for people to suspect MS? For those who have disclosed at work, did any of your colleagues suspect before you disclosed? What did they notice.

@beefree may I ask what is your occupation


@beefree The shakes and the twitching are more than enough for them to think there is something going on with you, that is of course if you are not reading too much in to it. How would they know it's MS though?, for all you know they may think you have been drinking or taking drugs or they may think you have something going on but no idea what. Why did you decide not to let them know?, surely it is better to declare than not, no?.