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Day 4 of fatigue &learning to slow down

I'm currently in work and suffering through my fourth consecutive day of battering fatigue. I went shopping on Saturday and definitely over did it, I ended up using my poor mum as a human crutch and making everyone walk at a snails pace to keep up with them. My own fault, should have known better blah blah... but my new winter coat is fabulous! So anyway, how does one teach themselves to slow it down? I'm finding it hard to do exactly that because my mind wants to carry on shopping until the evening like I could last Christmas (and probably slip in a few cocktails along the way) but my body is obviously dead against it. I guess I'm not at that level of acceptance yet, and being a typical stubborn redhead Aquarian I'm not sure I ever truly will be, but oh my God I need a nap! What tips does everyone have to combat fatigue aside from a tonne of coffee and a good night's (or three) sleep, bearing in mind I HAVE to come to work and yeah... I work full time 🙄

See what the MS nurse / neurologist say as Amantadine or Fluoxetine can help with fatigue. I also work full time and couldn't without one of them, only don't have a drink with Amantadine as you will get pished a lot quicker.


@lauraxie , there isn't an easy answer to this one. We just have to acknowledge that we don't quite have the energy that we thought. We have to learn to live within our limits. Now, that's easier said than done as our limits are variable. improving one day and deteriorating the next. There's a booklet available from the MS Trust, which may help :- https://support.mstrust.org.uk/file/Living-with-fatigue-2018.pdf You can order a free hard copy too :- https://support.mstrust.org.uk/shop You'll find it under "Living with MS"