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Copaxone Reaction

When I was diagnosed, the doctor prescribed Copaxone, because it was mild, easy on the reproductive system, and the majority of people started their journey with it because it is proven to significantly reduce lesions. Yay! Right? I was in good spirits about it. I received the auto injector and medication at my doorstep and reached out to the nurse who would come show me how and where to do the enjection. Still yay! I did my first injection while she was there, and while the medicine entered my blood stream effff that hurt. Felt like a Charlie Horse for a solid 20 minutes. Then she left. That night, my eyes were so itchy. I couldn’t stop itching them! My sister flew in that night to see me, and I attributed the itchiness to having pulled weeds that morning. Makes sense, right? My body broke out in red dots EVERYWHERE. Still, I blew it off. I clearly have an issue with denial. I eventually called a doctor and they were adamant that I went to the ER. Good thing I did. I walked in and he knew exactly why I was there. Gave me a shot of steroid as my symptoms worsened and some hardcore benedryl as well as a topical ointment. Man, I felt like a lab rat. Needless to say, I didn’t take the second injection. Anyone else willing to share their experience with their first medication? :)

@jeslyn_mauriello , that must have been terrible. We're just all so different. What works for one, won't work for another. I'm just glad you go sorted, as allergic reactions can be disconcerting.