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Check out this site, a new slant on MS?

I've spent the last 5 yrs trying every diet you can think of in an effort to find one that alleviates symptoms as so many claim to. However, it has become clear that what works for some doesn't for others. I looked at this site ... https://selfhacked.com/blog/supplements-foods-exercise-right-type-th1-vs-th2-dominance/ ... and "the penny dropped"! It seems that if your T cell imbalance (TH1 and TH2,) is TH2 dominant, then foods like caffeine, tomatoes, green tea and so on , and a lot of "healthy" foodstuffs, will in fact WORSEN MS. Whilst most MSers are TH1 dominant, a proportion of them are TH2 dominant. I spent 2 months on Green Tea, and wondered why I almost lost the use of my legs completely. There is only one way to confirm your own profile and thats with a TH1 TH2 cytokine blood test. These are not available in the UK on the NHS for MS (but is available if part of IVF treatment???) and privately it costs £350. Considering a lot of us could be making ourselves far worse simply by eating healthily is diabolical! Surely its in the NHS interest to do the test and tell us what to avoid? Two more sites that deal with this:- https://hypothyroidmom.com/autoimmune-patients-have-you-heard-of-th1-and-th2-dominance/ https://medium.com/@jameslilley24/are-you-th1-or-th2-dominant-and-why-is-this-so-important-to-know-8efb050005a5 Anyone got any experience of this?

@sigmadelta , would maintaining a food diary help you to identify the good and bad foods? I have long had the opinion that diet does not impact your MS, improving it will just potentially make you feel healthier generally.


A food diary wouln't help as the effects of some toxins could take days or weeks to build up whilst others may be immediate.