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Called it.

Mindfulness may help manage mood changes in MS. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/ms-mindfulness-may-help-manage-mood-changes Something I touched upon last month, in https://www.mstrust.org.uk/news/views-and-comments/mental-health-and-ms-emotional-balancing-act "Meditation, specifically mindfulness of emotions, serves the same purpose. Should emotions arise, I simply attend to them, their subjective experience in the body, the way they arise, move through, then fall away. Doing this on the cushion gives me a setting where it is safe to experience even very strong, sometimes distressing, feelings, without any risk of them being acted out. This is why meditation is often described as “the yoga of the mind”: the claim that meditation “centers”, or “grounds”, its practitioner is more than just an image."

@will_berard , this is good to know. Your mental wellbeing is as important as your physical wellbeing.