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Big black clouds over my head

So, I thought I'd been dealing with my whole MS thing remarkably well dor the last five years, thing were easy for me, well emotionally easy, a little too easy. I've had my bouts of low moods before, but they only ever seemed to be fleeting, a few hours, maybe an afternoon at most, but now things seemed to have gotten worse. There are times where I just feel that I've this big black cloud over my head where nothing feels like it will cheer me up. I can feel worthless, like I have no point in being here, just all round shit. The fact that I'm trying to find a job and my left hand keeps getting tremors aren't helping my mood either. |I'm trying Tumeric for the tremors, but if anything it just feels like its making things worse. I'm feeling better at the moment and I've got an appointment to see my GP next week but I'm wondering if anyone would care to suggest any ways that they find cheer them up? Obviously, you can just message me if you want to keep things more private. Thank you

Hi I know this feeling and I would love to know a way of dealing with it. Sometimes I feel really down and there appears to be absolutely no reason for it except the little black holes in my brain. I wish I knew an answer to fix this but I don't. Hopefully knowing you are not the only one helps a little. Good luck Neil


ow Gav, I have no answer, but just really felt for you... i know you dont want sympathy. I have read most posts on here and they are so positive [even mocking our ailments] and have felt as if all of you guys knew what the other was going through. you have appeared in your past posts so strong, that i guess this is your big dip. my apologies that i cannot be more constructive for you. lets hope your mood doesnt match our british weather xxxxx