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Anyone ever had these symptoms before?

So basically for the past two weeks Iv been having terrible neck pain and it feels as if something is crawling on my skin (only on the left side) it’s like a burning, tingly and itchy feeling and it’s driving me crazy! But Iv also lost all feeling in my left hand/finger tips, i can’t feel anything and I’m struggling todo daily things like washing my hair, working ect but I feel as the days are getting on its travelling down my whole arm the numbness. Do you think that’s a relapse? It’s new to me Iv never had this before so it could be new symptoms. I’m on mavenclad so I shouldn’t really be having new symptoms. I’m just more concerned about my left hand! I will be contacting my nurse but I just wanted to know if anyone has experienced this before ? Thank you x

Hi I'm lisa and it could be a relapse of MS but our Left side is where your heart is if it were me I'd most definitely go to dr. Or if not soon the ER emergency room or go to your pharmacy get your blood pressure checked!!! Left side


Hi I'm Wayne yes it could be a relapse I have had those symptoms before the tingling burning on neck and head only it's on my right side and it stops exactly in the center this is my trigger for a relapse so relax and take it easy for a few days and it goes if I don't I relapse take care hope all goes well ☺