Another Major Event

I apologize in advance for the long post. I know MS is different from Person to person, My ms consists of numbness in my right hand and neurological pain in my abdomen and fatigue and I experience these symptoms on the daily. When I 1st knew something was wrong was my 1st clinical event that happened may 11th 2019 where I had what looks like a full body seizure/stroke that lasted about 2 minutes where I was fully conscious but had no control over my body. Within a few minutes of it happening I regained full recovery other than feeling weak and this started a long process of getting my diagnosis December 23rd 2019. I had many bloodwork tests, An ECG, a CT scan And two MRIs. My 1st of my head showing a tiny speck and then a follow up of my spinal cord showing several lesions. I then started the medication Glatect 20mg Injections daily. Yesterday I had another major clinical events the same as above but this one lasted between 30 and 45 seconds. My entire body Was no longer under my control I experienced what felt like nausea or heartburn and thought I was going to throw up and then I had the familiar feeling of where my body was going give out from under me when I had 1st experienced. I was able to sit down in the driver seat of my car and prepare myself for my body to become stiff from head to toe as though my muscles were all spasming I experienced full body numbness from head to toe. I also experienced the MS hug and had to breathe deeply and slowly in through my nose and out through the mouth to stay calm, My heart was racing and I had really bad acid reflex as well as a pressure headache. I was holding the hand of my fiance as my right hand totally lost the ability to move on it's own and all the muscles in my fingers were spasm in causing my hand to clamp shut. All of the joints in my body were locked and in pain I would say about in 7 out of 10. My whole body went stiff and I was unable to bend so I was stretched out with my head between the seats of the front of the car. This symptoms lasted between 30 and 45 seconds from not being able to move and after 45 seconds I was finally able to release my hand and sit up straight I sat in the car for 15 minutes deep breathing I turned the car on so I could have the cold air blowing on me which helped me regain feeling better. This time knowing what was coming I realized that the nausea and heart burn that I was experiencing was a forewarning and now realized that I had experienced that feeling during my 1st episode. I had about a minute and a half to 2 minutes to situate myself into a safe place and allow my body to do what it did safely. I thankfully wasn't alone. During all of this I'm conscious and cognitively aware I can talk and have a conversation although panicked because it is scary. I'm just wondering if anyone else Has had a similar experience like mine in where you get an attack and then come out of it fine. I've taken notes so that when I do get ahold of my neurologist I can provide her with all the information above and a have an upcoming MRI in August so there's not much she can do for me at this time. I'm just curious if people's MS presents itself like mine where I will be fine for over a year With minimal symptoms and then I get an attack is the only way I can describe it.

@kristie_lyne_bonhomme , I suffer from spasms, including a full body spasm. They're uncomfortable, don't last long and I just live with them. There's an article here that covers spasms and treatments :-