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Hi I have spms and I'm eagerly waiting to see what happens with this new drug mayzent.

Good luck! That was one of the options presented to me but I went with Ocrevus (after Copaxone for 11 years and Rebif for 4). If you add Mazent to your tags above to click on or put it in the little magnifying glass in the upper left you will see other discussions on it. It is on the list of medium effective Dx for MS. I think I have seen some positive posts on this forum about it- https://themswire.com/making-the-right-ms-medication-decison-dmt/


I have never been offered any drugs only gabapentin and amitriptyline. This is why I am hoping I get offered mayzent when its passed for use if nice approved. Sometimes feel like I've been left to get on with it and just get worse.