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Advise needed please

Hi all, was diagnosed with ms in 2012, but had the issues 2 years before, 2018 was the worst year ever, already suffered with optic neuritis before 2012 in both eyes, then the fatigue started which was the worst ever, but always carried on at work with the optic neuritis and the fatigue, then came 2018, i never had a day of with this shit thing called Ms, it was a massive challenge to me to fight this, but it got the best of me, and i ended up having 3 months of work, fatigue, depression, anxiety, then i waited for my long awaited 2nd MR scan, which was not the best in my eyes. So ended up on meds AUBAGIO. My issue was my job i have changed my job and my health has improved 75%which was one of the issues to my problem, but i am still not 100% the bloody numbness and energy levels still not what they should be guys 😢 it would be great to talk someone who has MS and understands it, not like some doctor or professor.

@john_cartwright, I agree that the fatigue is the worst thing to tolerate. Not only am I more than tired all the time, no one (but us in the exclusive club we didn’t ask to join) gets what we meant as tired. 🛌 So, for what it’s worth, I get the fatigue, numb, altered body sensations that try to rule our lives. Wish I had some super useful advice or witty thing to say, but I’ll let the more clever ones here do that. 😏


@john_cartwright , whilst we can have Relapsing Remitting MS (RRMS), the remissions may not recover 100% of what we lost in the relapse. This can lead to residual damage, which is something that we have to live with and manage. There are medications available which will help with symptom management. Symptom Management is different to Disease Modifying Therapies (DMTs), in your case Aubagio, which are used as a way of trying to preserve your present level of health. It does this by trying to reduce the frequency and severity of future relapses.