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Vitamin B12 and D

Hi Everone I have R/R MS and I also have a deficiency in vit B12 which can be found in a lot of MS sufferers. It might be worth getting checked out for it. I have a vit B12 booster every 2-3 months and its like a new lease of life after it - loads of energy! Also, is anyone taking vit D supplements? There has been loads of research into it helping symptoms of MS. So I now take it most days. More I can do to combat it the better I say!

Hey, where do you get checked out for the B12 deficiency? I taking it as a supplement for past three months but no obvious signs its doing anything!!


GP can do B12 blood test. If you are deficient then injections are advisable (in case your intestines are not absorbing it). B12 deficiency can mimic MS so is often checked at diagnosis, if you run low and already have MS a top-up may boost nerve function as R-R says