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Healthy body healthy mind?

I feel myself getting tired more and more often I can ask the doctors and nurses what's best to eat and vitamin wise to take which I will be but what dose people that have ms do and how do they find it? Badly need tips thanks

Regular meals (plus small snacks in between if I need an energy boost) with a combination of carbs and proteins, VitD supplements (in the thousands of IUs - not the hundreds which most GPs recommend), plenty of exercise (believe it or not that's given me more energy and I'm falling asleep less often during the daytime now!) and small changes to lifestyle - such as doing grocery shopping online, planning housework so it's in manageable portions etc. You have to find what works for you though and it may come through trial and error. And also make sure you're getting good quality sleep at night. Good luck!


Half a teaspoon of turmeric in the morning does wonders. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20828641