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Doublevision duration

What is the longest period of time anyone has had doublevision, before it has corrected itself? I have had it for almost two years now with no let up, so think it may signal permanent nerve damage.

Yes, like you, this was the symptom that led to the diagnosis, even though I'd had relapses prior to this. At diagnosis I was prescribed methyl prednisolone which cleared up one or two symptoms (vertigo, l'hermitte's etc) but made no dent in the doublevision (or nystagmus / intra-nuclear opthalmoplegia). Most of the literature says it normally clears up in a few months, but it has been 21 months now.


I had an episode of nystagmus in my left eye and although i recovered from the relapse, my left eye can be a little slow to move, particularly when tired which causes me to have double vision. Have you talked to your neurologist?