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Cant deal with it all anymore

Multiple Sclerosis; I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Chlo, I'm a fair bit older than you and I have MS. I've also been around the block a few times, enjoying the sex and drugs and rock'n'roll (my drugs of choice were alcohol and tobacco)! Life needs to be managed by you. This includes the various parts of life like sex, drugs and the weaknesses inherent in our bodies. MS can be managed and allow a fulfilling life. Sex needs to be managed to improve your feeling of self-worth. Drugs also need to be managed to avoid the medical and physiological downsides. Find someone to talk to and look inside yourself. You're worth more than where you are at present. Take care of yourself as a priority.


Vitamin D is your answer to help prevent you get MS possibly. 6000 units is the recommended amount. Watch this Youtube video on it :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcA0qlLFs_c