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Anyone for style...

Hi all. Is it my imagination or does all the disabled 'stuff' (grab rails, scooters etc) come with no style/design (in my opinion)? Wheelchairs seem to be the one thing that can have some 'cool' styling (and shift.ms, which is fab). Thought I'd throw this one out there...

Surely the most stylish part of the aid is whatevers attached to the end of it? ;-) I knnow what you mean though, there's either 'NHS chic' or you have to buy something yourself, Still, can't have your cake and eat it, we do get this stuff for free =) I have heard that they're doing walking sticks and crutches in different colour now. Pink crutches sir? ;-)


Know what you mean! Surely there is an opportunity out there for someone to develop a range of 'trendy' accessories. I'm sure it would be popular (there must be a lot of young/trendy people who use these things.)