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I did it. I finished my 5 day 100 mile (160km) unsupported walk of the South Downs Way in 4 days. It was s big push and I as completely broken now. Yesterday was a 51km 13 hour day and I made Eastbourne by 2030h. I promptly demolished a massive fish supper. You may not be able to afford to donate. That is ok. You can do something very important though; you can share the donation URL far and wide. bit.ly/MS3SDW The story of my suffering is all laid out on Instagram. @instabolt_dj Again, please share the link. It is the last chance to raise money. I have done my bit, please do yours ;) Take care. Dom

@dominics , congratulations, that was a mammoth undertaking. I hope you diary is clear of commitments for the next week at least. You deserve a break.


@dominics it's not much but just done 20 Squid 🐙 Well done mate and honestly fair play and thank you for what you've done!