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What other conditions do you have?

What else pains you? MS is bad enough, but do you have other problems that compound your problems?

I do have ME on top of having MS.My specialist said this was quite common amongst MS sufferers, though I'm not so sure. It does make differenciating between symptoms quite hard, especially with the fatigue. Initially, for about 3 years, I was absolutely without any energy whatsoever. It has eased though. I have recently gone down with another rare condition. Dyshidrotic eczema, plus another dermatitis. I also have Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, IBS, cervical spondylitis, as well as other smaller problems. How many others have multiple health issues? I ask because it makes it so difficult to differentiate between problems at times and would like to hear if others suffer just as much. Are they al linked with the immune system?


ME is also an Auto-Immune system Illness, also called yuppie flu or chronic fatigue syndrome.