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Medical cannabis

As much as I appreciate cannabis derived medicine being legalised I find it hard to believe that anything the government says about it will help anyone. Will a gp be able to prescribe it, how much cbd and thc will be in them, will everyone with ms be able to get it. All the news stories still don't eleborate any details about it. I vape bud as it helps immensely (sleep, eating, relaxing etc) I am just not convinced the goverment understand

@pj887 , and, that's the problem. Will the Government-approved medicinal marijuana be a sanitised version which just maintains the profits of big pharma..........?


The government don't care as long as they can fleece us that's all they do haha the big pharma companies have their grubby greedy hands in everything and they are the ones who put opiates in everything i think they want people to suffer unless they can pay.