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Uhthoff's syndrome and exercise

Hi all I am wanting to start exercise but every time I start within minutes I suffer Uhthoffs Syndrome and my bad eye - ( ON) gets bad. I have bought some cooling gear, but my question is do you just keep exercising or should you stop. If I stopped I would only get to about 3 minutes of exercise and would have to rest. Does anyone have any advice. At the end of my first relapse with Optic Neuritis in one eye. ( 2 or so months ago) . I am really keen to get back into exercise. Thanks

@taraking, I appreciate your desire to exercise, but your body is asking you to be moderate. Could you just exercise in short bursts, allowing yourself to recover before the next burst and see how it goes? Or alternatively, look at low impact exercise like swimming, where body temperature is regulated for you.


Both excellent ideas. Thanks @stumbler