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Using other medicines with Rebif

Heyis! Have been on Rebif for almost a year now. Recently I have developed a dry tickley cough. I don't think its the medication. I think I caught a cough off someone in work. Have that funny feeling in my nose and throat tahday, as if I'm getting a cold? Anyways this is the first cough/cold I will have had since my dx and I was wondering if there are any issues with using cough medicines or Lemsips or any kind of cold and flu whilst on Rebif. I know it sounds silly! Kinda paranoid about everything I put in the bod now!

@alisonm79 it seems while on DMDs colds and infections last longer than normal. Talk to your Dr or pharmacist bc they may be able to tell you the best option for your symptoms. It is good to be cautious not silly at all. Good luck :)


thanks a million Bamelia - heading to the pharmacist after work...was tryin to contact the Rebif nurse to ask but can't get her....thought I should prbly find out if it was a good idea or not before I went to the chemist just in case so I put it to the masses!! often the quickest way to find something out :D thanks again!