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Rebif and Rebiject II

I've been sitting here for 3 hours trying to get the courage to inject the rebif. The noise scares the crap out of me and it hurts. it's amazing how people on here act like these injections are no big deal.

It's all about overcoming our fears. Some of which, like needles, have been with us since childhood. Technology has advanced over the years and these needles are a lot finer than they used to be. It's just something to get used to. Just accept that you're doing it to receive benefits, which may be positively affecting the rest of your life. Just treat it like tax - nobody likes it, but we still have to pay it, but we do get a benefit (I think)! So, deep breath and hit the button. Over in seconds.


Hey travis, When I first started on rebif i was exactly the same, every time I pushed the button my jerk reaction would be to instantly pull it away letting the rebif spray everywhere, it would take me hours, i would even have to get friends to do it for me as I just couldnt! But it will get easier I promise, what use to take me 2 hours now just takes 2 seconds!! You can do it!! :-) xx