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Walking aids and balance

I've not been on this in roughly about six months but it was hospital bloods day yesterday. Everything went okay. And had alot of discussions about things. I'm tripping alot more and my balance isn't all that great. I also have cerebral palsy so I walk with a limp. So that doesn't help at all. It's better some days She suggested that physio would be a good idea and maybe a Walking aid for the days I feel more fatigued incase I fall and break something again 🙈 has anyone got severe balance issues that needs walking aids

@terriewhyte , "tripping a lot" suggests that Footdrop may potentially be an issue, so an assessment by a neuro-physio is a good idea. They can assess whether you have any muscles that are "under-performing" and prescribe exercises to address. They can also advise on walking aids. Balance issues are a problem with MS, affecting 50-70% of us. So, sticks, crutches, walkers can be part of our toolkit. https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/balance


Thank you @stumbler I already have muscle issues and balance issues already down my right side as I have cerebral palsy . I only use my left side of body . I put alot of weight on my left side but recently been having to lift my leg higher due to my limp and tripping. So mylimp is alot worse. Lucky I've tripped that much before ms I can catch myself sometimes . Hopefully the physio won't be to long and we can discuss options