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Anxiety Attack

I recently switched over from Avonex to Copaxone. Although, there were some side effects of Avonex, I got used to the medication fairly quick. Copaxone has been a struggle for me. I get bumps and the injection spot is so itchy! Sometimes it hurts a lot when I inject. Last night, for the first time ever I experienced an anxiety attack. I know that Copaxone can cause a post injection anxiety attack, but this was bad. I felt as if my throat was closing up. My face was flushing and my temperature was rising. My heart was racing so fast! I felt dizzy and extremely light-headed. I never felt this way. I've been on Copaxone for almost 3 months now and this was a new experience. I don't know what to do. I am so shaken up from last night, that it makes me nervous to inject again tonight. It's like i have a fear of taking Copaxone now. Has anyone else ever experienced this? What am i supposed to do? I really need help.

Hi Manisha. Sorry to hear. It is a scary reaction! I have experienced it full on once and almost the start of it another time. I have had different physicians take different stances on it. My neuro kept me on it at that time. In the hopes of avoiding this, from the beginning I was guided to do slow injections and ensure no blood return prior to injecting. It is obvious how this stirs up fear for next injections! I think the question is can you feel comfortable doing it, have support and discuss with your MD?


Hi manisha. I switched from avonex to Copaxone a couple of years ago now - I didn't think it wasn't that long but it is! It did seem to take a while to get used to it. About 6 months I think u fortunately. Had a lot of itching and bumps but generally ok now. I've never had the anxiety attacks. Hope you manage tonight's injection. Xxx