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Super confused which 1 to pick?

Which DMDs should I choose to start? I have to make a decision on which DMD to start and would really loved to hear what you all would recommend. My choices are Avonex, Rebif, Extavia, Copaxone, Tysabri or Gilenya

You really need to choose the DMD that fits in with your lifestyle. I'd be surprised if all those DMDs are on offer. It is usual to be offered one of the first string of DMDs, also known as the CRAB drugs, standing for Copaxone, Rebif, Avonex & Betaferon (Extavia). Tysabri and Gilenya are two second string DMDs, which are used if there have been problems with the CRAB drugs, or your MS is considered particularly aggressive. But, in essence, the CRAB drugs are all injectables, whilst Tysabri is a monthly intravenous infusion. And, Gilenya is taken orally. Check this website out for more details : http://www.msdecisions.org.uk/ I hope this helps.


Not sure they separate between first and second line drugs here in Australia. I had to decide on my own - they gave me 10 different books about different treatments so I had a long read over the weekend. It did not make much sense at the time of reading... Decided to go with Tecfidera as it sounded less harmful (no impact on liver). I'm still not sure did I do the right choice... :) I agree with comments above - depends how this fits in your life. Apparently - you can switch between different drugs as well. Good luck!