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Finding relationships hard..??

I've noticed lately I am finding it very differcult to completely be honest with the ones I love lately and trust about my emotions I just tell them I am fine or act like I am okay and try to move on but because so much happens so often to me I don't want to add stress or worry them about me anymore then they already do. Advice ? Suggestions it feels apart of my Anixety but I am really feeling alone today ? Larissa x

In our family we have some of the same issues. We have been practing mindfulness and controlled breathing. It's hard to control what you feel and think but we have learned that anxiety causes all kinds of things to happen in your body that probably isn't great for MS. By controlling your breathing all kinds of things automatically slow down like your heart rate. It's hard to be anxious and breath slow. We like to stay positive even when it's hard to be because it's easy to spiral the other way. That in turn makes relationships just a little bit easier. Maybe not a great solution but hopefully it's worth considering as there doesn't appear to be much down side in ten minutes a day for something like that. Lastly processing in a safe place like this allows you to get your thoughts out which I think is better then leaving them trapped inside. Wishing you all the best.


I hate to say this but I don't think you will ever be able to be totally honest with love ones. They will never be able to understand what you are going through. Only someone with MS or another disease like Cancer can commensurate with you. I told my husband one time that I felt lonely and he couldn't understand why I felt that way. If you tell someone every symptom that pops up they will think that your a hypochondriac, or blow it off and say that happens to everyone. This is why I like the forum, we can rant and rave together and you can always find someone that is going through the same thing you are. Sometimes we can help each other (my favorite part) others times all we can do is listen and sympathize. Potter