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Tecfidera newbie!!

So I started tecfidera last night- took tablet abou 7.30pm... 1 am I was rudely awoken by a hot flush- now I didn't have a clue it would be that bad!- I men my whole body was literally burning- hubby said I was glowing 😂- what doea everyone do to help in that situation... I tried cold funnel on my face, and reducing my clothing, but then it make me shiver cos I was actually cold- lthough I couldn't feel it!!! Ooh and one more- did people get exactly the same side effects with each tablet they took, or does it like to surprise us? Thanks so much Launey

Hi, it is a side effect I had, maybe not as bad as you describe but now a year on these flushes have decreased in intensity and number. Tecfidera is a drug worth persevering with. They say symptoms decrease after 3 months. I do hope you don't get too despondent. Any advice please just ask. Trev


@laineybob101 , taking aspirin 30 minutes before the Tecfidera may help with the flushing that you experienced. However, we always expect some reaction to starting a new drug. Hopefully, this side effect will become less pronounced as time goes on.