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Relapse without steroids

Hi there, If I'm having relapse and don't take steroids will that make my relapse worse or worsen my chances of full recovery? I've had tingling in my left foot for one week now and I've never had tingling before, but I hate steroids!

@knhanson , a relapse is another are of inflammation on your Central Nervous System (CNS). Steroids are used to address this inflammation, so that you can start to recover from it. It really depends on the severity of the effects of this relapse whether steroids are considered. If the relapse is having a marked impact on your vision or mobility, affecting your quality of life then they may be a good idea. Steroids or not shouldn't worsen your chances of a full recovery, but it would have an impact on the speed of that recovery.


MS docs can give a very high dose over (I believe) three days but from what I've read, prescribing steroids is not an automatic thing and if you don't want them, I don't think they'll be forced on you. In any case, apparently they don't work on everyone. It's an individual choice.