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Low lympho levels on Tecfidera

Hopefully this won't go anywhere, but last couple of tests have shown very low white bloods so a comment was made as to say i may have to come off them if it goes any lower. Then what?...... I'd be unhappy coming off as have been pleased with them, but will have to do as doc's say, if they say it, but hoping my usual catchphrase 'be rite' will apply a bit longer!! Anyone had the same??

@gibfish , a reduced white blood count (WBC) is not unexpected, it shows the Tecfidera is doing a job for you. Have you been on it for long? Things tend to stabilise after a few months........


one of the reasons for the concern is the risk of PML. What is your JCV test show? If by any chance you are JCV negative that might afford a little more time to sort things out.