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Diagnosis correct?

Hi, I'm Emma and was diagnosed in October 2016. I had experienced a feeezing sensation in my face which progressed to my arm and leg. All left side. I thought it was a trapped nerve as I have problems with my shoulder and neck on that side. I was referred to a neurologist by my GP and she in turn sent me for an MRI. After the MRI I was diagnosed with probable MS. This was a huge shock to me as it never even crossed my mind. My MRI showed FLAIR old lesions (lots) and also some active lesions. Had further tests (lumbar puncture, physical evaluation and bloods) and was then confirmed as having MS, possibly for quite a long time judging by me old lesions. All this happened within about 4 weeks. My neurologist prescribed tecfidera after saying that she preferred this DMD. I trust her. BUT I have been wondering lately if it is really necessary. My MRI confirms I have ms. Much as I'd like to deny it, I'm not daft enough to self-diagnose. But am I bad enough to take these extremely strong drugs? I'm not someone who likes taking even pain killers unless I need to, and here I am on permanent meds. Are they really necessary? Shouldn't I wait a few years and see how it goes?

YES! It's a progressive disease! I was once offered beta-interferon, about 20 years ago. Now I'm secondary progressive so not eligible for anything, look into it long & hard before deciding which way, good luck!


Hi @emski76 and welcome. MS is an insidious condition, where our immune system attacks the myelin sheath on our Central Nervous System (CNS). The MRI scan is a good tool, but does not show the full extent of the damage. Damage can occur without your knowledge, until a disabling event occurs. And, the damage cannot be repaired. Unfortunately, no-one can predict how your MS will affect you. MS is like that. So, adopting a Disease Modifying Treatment (DMT) now is an insurance for the future. A future which might involve even better treatments, or even a cure. It's up to you, just don't have regrets at some future stage.....